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Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


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A business mortgage is a loan granted by a financial institution to businesses or organisations to finance commercial property. The loan can be used to buy, build, renovate or expand commercial properties such as retail premises, offices and industrial facilities. Business mortgages often offer more flexible interest rates and payment options than other types of loan agreements.

To qualify for a business mortgage, the company must have certain financial resources to guarantee the monthly repayment of the loan. This includes showing income stream records such as bank statements and tax returns as well as current balance sheet and profit and loss statements. It should also take into account any additional documentation required for specific transactions such as lease arrangement contracts or rental agreements.

What are the advantages of a business mortgage to invest in real estate?

1. Lower interest rates: Business mortgages often have lower interest rates than consumer mortgages, allowing you to save more money.

2. Flexible maturity: Business mortgages offer a flexible maturity programme that can range from a few months to 30 years or more, depending on the financial needs of the business.

3. Higher limit: Business mortgage limits are usually higher than those for consumer mortgages because the business is able to use multiple assets as collateral for the loan - such as real estate, machinery and inventory - which means larger investments are possible with less risk for the banker or investor.

4. Tax breaks: Some countries offer tax breaks to companies that increase their investment capacity by transferring ownership through home equity mortgages, allowing them to enjoy tax benefits based on their real estate investments

Where can you get a business mortgage?

It is possible to obtain a business mortgage through online platforms, crowdfunding or tokenisation. There are several ways you can do this:

1. Platforms such as Immotokens offer crowdfunders the opportunity to put money into commercial real estate investments. This allows you to be involved in the funding process through your own capital and that of other investors. You will then have access to investors suited to your specific situation, making it easy to find suitable funding for your business.

2. Tokenisation technology also makes it possible to trade financial assets in secondary markets using tokens as digital representations of them. Through tokenization technology, any party involved in the transactions can communicate directly and share transaction data with others in real-time based on blockchain technology . This makes it easy for companies to offer their project financing needs to potential investors and, out of this, gain direct access to liquidity providers willing to make their funds available in exchange for returns on their investment.

3. Finally, there is also the option of using Immotokens gain access to private or institutional investors interested in financing business projects using bond markets or private equity investment transactions. This gives even start-ups and SMEs access to large-scale professional financing opportunities and more flexibility than with traditional banks. Read more here How to find investors for your property.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.