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When you think of investing in real estate, there is much more possible than just buying a house or flat. Real estate is an exciting world full of opportunities, whether you are new to investing or already have some experience. The great thing is that there is something for everyone. Whether you are interested in buying a piece of land, investing in a shopping centre, or even owning a warehouse, each option has its own unique advantages.

In this guide, we take you through all kinds of real estate you can invest in. We keep it simple and straightforward, so you get an idea of what each option entails and how it fits what you are looking for. Whether you're looking for something that makes money regularly or something whose value grows over time, real estate has a lot to offer.

  1. Investing in houses: This is a classic choice for property investors, often focused on value growth and rental income. These investments range from buying a single house to a portfolio of rental properties.
  2. Investing in flats: Flats are popular in urban areas and offer potential for higher rental income. These investments can consist of individual units or entire complexes.
  3. Investing in offices: Office real estate offers opportunities for long-term leasing to companies, with income dependent on the business and economic health of a region.
  4. Investing in shops: Retail properties, such as shops and shopping centres, offer rental income that depends on the retail market and consumer trends.
  5. Investing in logistics property: With the growth of e-commerce, warehouses and distribution centres have become increasingly important, often with stable rental income.
  6. Investing in SME units: These smaller commercial or industrial units offer opportunities for leasing to local businesses and can offer diversification in a property portfolio.
  7. Investing in hotels: Hotels depend on tourism and can have fluctuating revenues, but offer opportunities in popular destinations and urban areas.
  8. Investing in resorts: Resorts offer investment opportunities in resort areas with potential income from accommodation and leisure facilities.
  9. Investing in holiday homes: These offer rental flexibility, especially in tourist seasons, and are attractive for short-term rental market.
  10. Investing in student rooms: This type of property, often located near universities, offers stable demand and is less sensitive to economic fluctuations.
  11. Investing in hospitals: Investing in the healthcare sector, such as hospitals, requires specific knowledge but can offer long-term stability.
  12. Investing in service flats: Service flats target the elderly population and offer a combination of housing and services, which is a growing market.
  13. Investing in retirement homes: These long-term investments in the care sector target the elderly population and provide opportunities for stable income.
  14. Investing in farmland: Agricultural land offers opportunities for crop production or rental to farmers, with potential for steady income and value growth.
  15. Investing in forests: Forestry investments can generate income from timber sales and are also interesting for their ecological and recreational value.
  16. Investing in development land: This type of investment focuses on land acquisition for future development, often speculative in nature and dependent on market developments.
  17. Investing in car parks: Parking garages in urban areas or near high-traffic locations can provide stable rental income.
  18. Investing in storage units: Storage units offer opportunities for rental to both individuals and businesses, often with lower maintenance costs than other property types.
  19. Investing in alternative property investments: This includes unique or niche real estate opportunities, such as data centres or solar parks, which can respond to specific market trends.
  20. Investing in co-housing: Co-housing combines private homes with communal facilities and focuses on community living, a growing trend in urban development.
  21. Investing in airbnb rentals: This short-term rental option can yield higher returns in popular tourist or urban areas, but depends on local regulations.
  22. Investing in supermarkets: Supermarkets can offer stable rental income, as they often provide essential services and are less sensitive to economic fluctuations.
  23. Investing in business flats: Business flats are aimed at professionals in need of temporary accommodation. This investment offers potential for higher rental income through short-term rentals to business travellers and expats.
  24. Investing in Belgium's neighbours: Investing in property in neighbouring countries can be an attractive option, especially if the property market there is more favourable or growing faster than at home.
  25. Investing abroad: This form of investment offers opportunities in international markets, which can lead to diversification and potentially higher returns.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.