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Welcome to Immotokens, your guide to the world of real estate investment and innovative housing concepts such as cohousing. This article provides an in-depth look at investing in real estate specifically for rental through cohousing. We will explore all the key aspects, from the basics of cohousing to the legal and financial considerations.

Introduction to Cohousing

Cohousing is a form of housing where people choose to live together, yet separately. It combines private living areas with communal facilities and spaces. This lifestyle is gaining popularity for its social cohesion, shared costs and sustainability aspects.

Read more about the basics of cohousing

Why Invest in Cohousing?

The trend towards more social and sustainable living makes cohousing an attractive niche for investors. Higher occupancy rates, stable rental income and often lower management costs are some of the advantages.

Discover the benefits of investing in cohousing

Return on Investment in Cohousing

One of the most important considerations in any investment is the expected return. Investing in cohousing can offer attractive returns, which are often higher than traditional rental models. This is because cohousing usually generates higher rental income due to the shared spaces and facilities. Moreover, the strong sense of community can lead to lower landlord costs through longer lengths of stay and lower vacancy rates.

Read more about the returns of investing in cohousing

Location analysis and Market Insights

Location is crucial in real estate investments. We discuss how to identify and analyse the right location for cohousing, taking into account demographic and market trends.

Understand the importance of location and market insights

Financing and Budgeting

Investing in real estate requires a sound financial plan. We cover various financing options, budgeting techniques and cost management strategies specific to cohousing.

Learn more about financing and budgeting

Legal Considerations and Contracts

Drafting legally sound contracts is essential. We explore the legal aspects of letting property through cohousing, including leases and joint ownership agreements.

Delve into legal considerations and contracts

Design and layout for Cohousing

Designing a cohousing property is different from traditional real estate. Find out how to design or adapt a property to facilitate cohousing, focusing on both private spaces and communal facilities.

Discover design tips for cohousing

Management and maintenance

Effective management and maintenance are crucial to the success of your cohousing investment. Learn how to manage and maintain your property to ensure occupant satisfaction and preserve the value of your investment.

Read more about management and maintenance

Taxes and taxation

Understand the tax implications of investing in cohousing. We cover issues such as income tax, VAT, and possible tax breaks or subsidies available for cohousing projects.

Discover taxes and taxation on cohousing investments

Risk management

Every investment carries risks. We discuss how to identify and manage the risks specific to investing in cohousing properties.

Learn about risk management in cohousing investments


Cohousing offers a unique opportunity for real estate investors looking for a socially responsible and potentially lucrative investment. With the right knowledge, planning and management, investing in real estate for cohousing can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio.

At Immotokens, we are dedicated to helping investors make informed decisions. We believe that the future of real estate lies in innovative housing concepts such as cohousing. Join us today and invest in the future of housing!

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.