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With the development of technology and digital platforms, it has become increasingly easy to arrange a mortgage. Online mortgages are a popular option for people looking for financial flexibility, lower interest rates and more options in obtaining a home. Below, we discuss exactly what online mortgages are and why they can be attractive to many people.

First, a word about exactly what online mortgages mean. Basically, it means that as a consumer, you can find your payment statement, property market data, information on rate plans and other details directly over the internet. You no longer have to go to a bank or broker for this; everything can now be done directly through online platforms. With the help of these websites, you can compare different product options before buying, creating more transparency in the market.

The advantage of taking out a mortgage through an online platform is that it often offers lower interest rates than if your mortgage is externally authorised by traditional lenders such as banking institutions. There are also many additional features available on such platforms that are not normally available, such as

  • automation of payments
  • Applicant self-scoring systems
  • scores for faster processing of requests

You can also always use crowdfunding platforms to obtain a mortgage.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.