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Real estate crowdfunding is an increasingly popular way to invest money in real estate. It is a relatively new form of investment, but it offers many advantages over traditional ways. In this article, we will look at exactly what crowdfunding entails and why it can be such an interesting alternative for investors looking to invest in real estate.

Crowdfunding works through online platforms where individual investors can pool their money to obtain project funding together. Investors who want to take more risk can participate in 'equity-based' or 'debt-based' crowdfunding platforms, depending on their need for returns or safety. Equity-based crowdfunding gives you access to loan facility with variable interest rates, while debt-based crowdfunding gives you access to loan facility with fixed interest rates.

One thing that makes crowdfunded property investment so popular is its accessibility: there are interested investors all over the world who are keen to participate in financial transactions based on their risk appetite and financial objective

What are the benefits of real estate crowdfunding?

First, transaction costs are often lower than for traditional real estate investments. In addition, there is less risk as you can invest your money in several projects at the same time. Moreover, real estate crowdfunding usually has a lower minimum investment amount, making it easy for novice investors to participate.

However, as with any investment, it is advised to prepare well and do research before deciding to invest money through real estate crowdfunding. As these are still relatively new investments, it may be useful to seek advice from experts who specialise in this type of financial transaction before taking action.

If you are looking for ways to generate returns on your savings or other financial resources, crowdfunded property investment may be for you. With the right information and advice, you can successfully take advantage of this innovative investment method while accessing opportunities normally out of reach.

What are the drawbacks of real estate crowdfunding?

1. Short maturities: Crowdfunding projects for real estate often have relatively short maturities, meaning that profitability in the meantime may be lower than with other investment opportunities.

2. Uncertain returns: Because property crowdfunding is new and there is no history to fall back on, it is difficult to predict exactly how much return you will generate or when you will see your investment back.

3. Limited investment universe: Most crowdfunding platforms offer only a few project options, limiting diversification options compared to traditional modes of real estate investment such as REITs or private mortgage lending.

When is real estate crowdfunding interesting?

Real estate crowdfunding is interesting if you want to make a small investment in real estate but do not need the full sum to finance the purchase. Crowdfunding also provides access to projects you would otherwise not be able to participate in, such as large commercial developments or further renovations. It can also be simpler than traditional lending and financing methods that involve a lot of documentation and time.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.