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There are several ways to find investors for real estate. The most common options are:
1. Search online for mutual funds specialising in real estate investing;
2. Networking with other entrepreneurs and industry professionals, such as brokers, mortgage brokers or accountants who may know contacts interested in investing;
3. Contact local developers or companies active in the real estate sector and ask them about potential partners;
4. Attend trade shows and events where you can make direct contact with investors;
5. Use email marketing to promote your offer directly to potential investors;
6. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to make connections with investment partners

7. Use crowdfunding to attract different property investors

What are the benefits of crowdfunding to find real estate investors?

1. Wider reach: Crowdfunding offers real estate investors a wider platform to present their projects, enabling them to reach more investors who may not otherwise be interested.

2. Lower start-up costs: Crowdfunding reduces the cost of organising traditional talks and fairs for property investors, helping them start with fewer resources.

3. Flexibility: Investing through crowdfunding can be tailored to specific needs or budgets of investors, giving a lot of flexibility in terms of timeframes needed to repay investments or pay dividends.

4. Transparency: The openness of crowdfunding makes it easier to provide information about potential investment projects which can then be accessed by investors

How do I use crowdfunding to find investors to invest in real estate?

1. Look for crowdfunding platforms that specialise in real estate investors. Immotokens is one such.

2. Create a campaign for your project with clear information about what you want to achieve, the location, the type of investment you are looking for and how much money you need to invest in real estate. This information will help investors make their decisions on whether to contribute to your project or not.

3. Actively promote your campaign through various social media channels (such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). Also make sure you use email marketing to inform potential investors about your campaign and encourage them to join discussions around crowdfunding for real estate investment on forums and blog sites.

4. Keep your investors informed of all developments regarding your project. Give updates on how things are going, what has been achieved and what are the next steps in the process. This helps to keep their interest and let them know that they are really contributing something to your project.

5. Thank your investors for their support through incentives such as discounts or free products/services as a token of appreciation for their investment in your project.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.