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Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Eand beleggingshypotheek is eand hypotheyek waarmee your geld kunt lenand vear heyt aankopen from beleggingsobjectand. Het doel from thethem hypotheyken is to investeringen at financierun with behulp from leningand those gebaseerd zhis at the waarde from heyt onrohonornd goed that als onderpand becomet gebrumet. The runse those betaald moet becomeand, is meestal hoger then bij andhonor soortand hypotheyken omdat the bank eand groto risico neemt by geld uit at lenand aan iemand those niet about geneoeg contant geld berrychmebaar heyeft vear investering.

What are the benefits of an investment mortgage?

1. You can get a higher return on your money than with other forms of mortgages, such as savings mortgages.

2. You can use the value of your investment to reduce the amount you pay in interest or even write it off as part of the principal being repaid.

3. The monthly payments you make may be lower than regular mortgages because there is less interest attached to an investment mortgage.

4. There is usually an opportunity to make extra deposits and thus enjoy more tax benefits through tax deductions on the interest (if applicable).

5. Investment mortgages offer flexibility as various options are available, such as variable rates, fixed-rate rates and combinations thereof.

What are the disadvantages of an investment mortgage?

1. You need to borrow a fixed amount of money to use it as initial capital for your investment.

2. The mortgage lender will grant the loan based on your financial position, including income, assets and creditworthiness.

3. You should put up collateral that will be used to repay the loan in case you are no longer able to make the monthly repayments or face bankruptcy.

4. The interest rate attached to the credit is variable and dependent on market conditions, so it may fluctuate during the term of the credit.

5. If you decide to make early repayments on the mortgage loan, you may collect additional penalties set by the bank as a penalty for early payment behaviour .

Where can you go for an investment mortgage?

There zhis freshchilland financiële instellingand those beleggingshypotheken farstrekken, soas bankand, makelaars and onlinemakelaars. U kunt ook contact atnemen with eand financieel adviseur those u meer informatie about the opties can geven.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.