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Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Mortgages for investment properties zhis leningand those becomeand gebrumet to eigenaar at becomeand from eand beleggingspand. Het can gto to winkels, kantears, hotels or andhonor commerciële propertyand waarmee the farhuurder maandelijks inktosten genehonorert. Thethem hypotheyekvorm richt zich at investhonourders those geld willand lenand vear heyt kopen from eigendommand with als doel er runningement uit at halland. Meestal is the runse hoger then bij traditionele hypotheyken omdat er meer risico is aan verbunand and bankIrish ervan offuigd moet becomeetchis that the investering runningabel is.

What are the advantages of a mortgage to invest in real estate?

1. Higher returns: Investing in real estate can give you high returns if it is well managed and leased.

2. Low interest rate: Mortgage rates are usually lower than market rates for short-term loans, leaving you with more money to invest.

3. Paying off debt: By paying off a mortgage, you reduce the monthly charges associated with ownership and create potential additional income through rental income or property appreciation.

4. Additional financing options: If your finances are not sufficient to take ownership of certain property, a mortgage provides additional financial resources to achieve this goal.

What are the disadvantages of an investment property mortgage?

1. Higher interest rates: Investment property mortgages are categorised as business loans, so interest rates tend to be higher than residential mortgages.

2. Stricter creditworthiness requirements: Since an investment property mortgage usually involves a larger amount, many lenders have stricter creditworthiness requirements to ensure that you are able to repay the loan.

3. Lower loan limit: Owners of investment properties often have less room with their mortgage loan because they have other financial obligations such as taxes and maintenance costs on their property. This can result in a relatively lower loan amount than what is possible with residential mortgages or other similar financing.

4. Complex procedure: Investment property finance tends to be more complex than other similar financings because it involves several parties - including landlords, brokers and bankers - who all come together to fix the term of the mortgage and make arrangements on how much interest to pay and so on.

What can you turn to for an investment property mortgage?

You can get a mortgage for investment property from several banks. It is important to find the right bank and the best offer that suits your specific situation. Note that interest rates, maturities and other fees vary from one institution to another. Contact several financial institutions to compare what they offer you when it comes to mortgages for investment property.

What if you cannot go to a bank for an investment property mortgage?

If you cannot turn to a bank for an investment property mortgage, it is possible to borrow money from individuals. Through Immotokens, you can get in touch with high net worth investors who are willing to lend money to people with a good credit score and profitable investments. You can also try approaching alternative loan providers such as peer-to-peer platforms or online lenders. These options usually have less stringent requirements than large financial institutions, but interest rates and repayment terms may be higher than traditional loan providers.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.