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Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


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In the world of property investment, there is a form of partnership that is becoming increasingly popular, especially among groups of friends looking to combine their financial strengths: the partnership. But what exactly is a partnership, and why should you consider going down this route? Let's take a journey together through the concept of the partnership and discover how Immotokens can guide you to make this investment experience smooth and profitable.

A Partnership: Investing in Real Estate Together

A partnership is a legal structure that allows for joint investment in real estate. This concept is ideally suited for groups of friends who want to pool their financial resources and take on real estate projects together. But what makes a partnership so attractive to this target group?

With the right guidance, as provided by Immotokens, setting up and managing a partnership can be an effortless and profitable experience. Here are 4 reasons why:

1. Shared Control with Immotokens Guidance

When setting up a partnership, a friend can be appointed as statutory manager, responsible for making decisions. Immotokens steps into the picture here with professional advice and guidance to ensure all decisions are made in the best interests of all investors. This means shared control and peace of mind.

2. Protection for All Friends

Immotokens brings its expertise to include protective clauses in the partnership agreement. This ensures that the interests of each member, regardless of their level of expertise in real estate investment, are protected and safeguarded.

3. Distribution of Revenue

Thanks to Immotokens, it is ensured that revenues are distributed fairly and transparently, in accordance with the agreed contribution of each member. This ensures equity within the group.

4. Retention of Fiscal Benefits

The great advantage of partnering with Immotokens is that they ensure that all tax benefits are retained for the friends, while enjoying the shared investment benefits.

Tax Considerations & Benefits

Immotokens goes one step further by helping to optimise your investments from a tax perspective. Some key considerations include:

  • Optimise your Investment: Immotokens ensures that you take full advantage of tax benefits. If properties are contributed without a change in ownership, additional transfer costs are avoided.
  • Prevent Unwanted Burdens: Immotokens offers guidance on unequal contributions so that each friend understands the tax implications and unpleasant surprises are avoided.
  • Exiting or Selling Shares: If a member decides to exit, Immotokens assists in a smooth and equitable transfer or sale of their shares.


A partnership can be an excellent way for friends to invest in real estate together. With the added expertise of Immotokens, the process is simplified, risks are minimised and tax benefits are retained. It is the perfect combination of joint investing with the security of professional guidance. So, if you are considering entering the property market with friends, don't forget the value of Immotokens as your trusted guide on this exciting journey. Working with Immotokens can be the key to a successful and profitable real estate partnership.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.