Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Are you looking to expand your investment portfolio, and do you want to start investing in equities as well? real estate investment? Then you have probably also come across the sky-high costs of houses, business premises and other real estate. Nowadays it is very difficult for beginning (and advanced) investors to start with real estate. That is why with Immotokens we offer the possibility to investing in real estate together with others.

As a result, they share the costs of purchasing real estate, but also receive a monthly payment in the rental income of the purchased property. The token holders jointly decide when the property will be sold, for example after 15 years. The proceeds from the sale are divided proportionally among the token holders.

Buying property together with others

Until recently, it was very complicated to buy property together with others. The way the Belgian legislation works, it is very difficult for a large group of people to buy a house together directly and have the ownership fall to hundreds of people.

Over the years, a number of successful methods have emerged for people to invest in property together. The best known example of this is the real estate fund. Immotokens is the updated version of joint property ownership. It uses the blockchain to record ownership of real estate.

It is important to realise that this is not about Investing in bitcoin or other crypto-currenciesbut to actually houses and properties in Belgium. We use the technology behind NFT to draw up contracts that can regulate property ownership on a small scale. In short:

If you buy a share of €50 in a property in Antwerp via Immotokens, we record it in the blockchain so that you always have proof of this investment. You can then receive a monthly return or trade your share with others. The latest technology, but based on existing and tangible real estate.

Real estate investing for beginners

As a beginner in the real estate market, you are often short of two things:

  • Investment capital
  • Knowledge of the real estate market.

With the arrival of Immotokens, this has changed completely. Not only is it possible to invest in real estate with little money, with Immotokens you also have access to an infinite source of knowledge: your fellow investors.

Because in addition to the opportunity to invest in real estate, we also offer an online platform where you can discuss potential properties with others, share your experiences and learn from each other. You can even sell your Immotokens, or the tokens of buying a desirable property from someone else if they offer it.

The important thing to know is that you are not alone. Real estate investing for beginners should be an instructive, fun and useful way of handling your money. Therefore, not only are our users at your service, we are also happy to help you personally! Do you have questions, need help or could you use some guidance? Just get in touch with us. We are a knowledgeable but above all personal team that is committed to honest and sustainable dealings with an eye to the future.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.