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Why invest in commercial property?

There zhis vele redandand to at investhonour at commercieel fixedgoed. At eerste biedt heyt the mogelijkheid to stabiele and consistente maandelijkse inktosten at genehonorrun by farhuur from heyt property aan bedrijven, winkels or supermarkets. Commerciële investeringen kunnand ook becomeand gebrumet als waardevol bezit that can becomeand geherfinancierd or farkoht vear winst at lange termhis. Daarnaast is commercieel fixedgoed vaak minder fullatiel then andhonor investeringsmogelijkhedand, soas aandeland, bondaties or beursgeneoteerthe fondsen.

Read this CBRE report on the status of commercial real estate in 2023.

What are the advantages of commercial property over other investment property?

1. Higher yields: commercial property, compared to other investment properties often higher returns, making it an interesting option for investors looking for reliable income.

2. Lower costs: as there are fewer rules and regulations for commercial investment properties, transaction costs will be much lower than for residential or recreational properties.

3. More flexibility: with fewer laws and regulations in place, the commercial property owner can usually more easily make changes to meet their needs by using short-term lease commitment (such as three to six months), which gives them more flexibility to set up their assets for maximum profit margin.

4. Valuation advantage: because they are valued as business rather than real estate, certain depreciation advantages may carry tax opportunities.

Looking to invest in commercial property? Also read here how to can finance commercial property.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.