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Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


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Immotokens offers a halal solution for Muslims who want to invest in real estate. With our two formulas, Starter and Co-Invest, you can invest from €1,000 or €100,000 in real estate without paying interest. In this file, we explain more about who we are and how you can invest halal in real estate.


The first part of the dossier explains why it is important for Muslims to invest halal. Islam prohibits paying and receiving interest, so Muslims should look for investments that do not include interest. Real estate is a popular investment for Muslims, but it is often difficult to invest in real estate without paying interest.

The Starter formula

This formula is suitable for Muslims who want to invest in real estate starting from €1,000. The Starter formula works on the basis of a rental agreement. Immotokens buys a property and then leases it to a tenant. The tenant pays monthly rent, part of which goes to the investors. More about the starter formula

The Co-Invest formula

This formula is suitable for Muslims who want to invest in real estate starting from €100,000. The Co-Invest formula works on the basis of a co-ownership agreement. Immotokens purchases a real estate property and the investors become co-owners of the property. The investors receive a share of the rental income and the increase in value of the property. More about the co-invest formula.


Immotokens can be considered an attractive option for Muslims who want to invest in real estate, especially because of the way their investment models conform to the principles of Islamic financial law. Here are some reasons why Immotokens can be seen as a good choice:

  1. Sharia-Compliant Investments: Immotokens offers investment models that are in line with Islamic law, mainly by avoiding riba (interest). This makes their investment options halal and accessible to Muslims who want to adhere to their religious principles.
  2. Direct and Indirect Investment Options: With the Starter and Co-Invest formulas, Immotokens offers both direct and indirect investment options. The Starter formula allows investors to invest indirectly in real estate with a relatively small amount (from €1000), making it accessible to a wider audience. The Co-Invest formula allows investors to become co-owners of real estate starting from €100,000, allowing them to be directly involved in the property and the resulting benefits.
  3. Risk sharing: Through their co-investment model, investors share in both profits and losses. This is in line with the Islamic principle of risk sharing, which is an important aspect of halal investments.
  4. Transparency and Ethical Investment: Immotokens ensures transparency in their investments, an important aspect in Islamic finance to avoid gharar (uncertainty) and deception. Moreover, they take ethical considerations into account when choosing real estate projects, ensuring responsible investment practices.
  5. Accessibility and Convenience: The low entry barrier to investment and user-friendliness of Immotokens' platform make it an accessible option for a wide range of investors, including those new to property investment.
  6. Diversification of Investments: With the ability to invest in different types of property, Immotokens offers an opportunity for portfolio diversification, which is an important strategy for managing risk in any investment.

Would you like to start with investing in real estate? Book an introductory meeting and we will be happy to help you.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.