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In a world where economic and political landscapes are changing rapidly, potential investors are wondering whether real estate investments in Belgium will still be worthwhile in 2023. With this article, we dive deeper into the current real estate climate in Belgium, analyse interest rates, and assess the overall viability of real estate investments.

Current economic climate in Belgium

An analysis of the market

Looking towards 2023, Belgium is in an interesting economic position. The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with global geopolitical uncertainty, has led to fluctuations in the property market. According to recent figures from Statbel, the Belgian statistics office, there has been steady growth in property prices, despite economic challenges. However, this rise is accompanied by concerns about affordability for potential buyers.

Interest rates and their impact

The impact on investments

A key factor in assessing the attractiveness of property investment is interest rates. In 2023, the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates to tackle inflation. This directly affects mortgage loans in Belgium, increasing the cost of borrowing for property investment. Nevertheless, interest rates remain historically low, which still presents opportunities for investors.

Long-term prospects

Is real estate still a smart investment?

Despite short-term challenges, real estate in Belgium has traditionally been seen as a stable long-term investment. Demand for housing, especially in urban areas such as Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent, remains strong. Also, the Belgian market shows continued resilience and has a history of retaining its value over time, making it a potentially lucrative option for long-term investors.

Property investment and inflation

Protection against inflation

One aspect that investors should not ignore is the inflation protection that real estate can provide. In times of high inflation, as observed in recent years, property values and rents can rise, which can help protect investors' purchasing power. With current inflation levels in Belgium, real estate can play an important role in a diversified investment strategy.

The role of technology in property investment

Innovation in real estate

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in real estate investment. From online real estate platforms to the integration of blockchain technology, the way we invest in and manage real estate is changing rapidly. These developments can help investors make more informed decisions and operate more efficiently in the market.

Renting out in 2023: Still profitable?

Rental market analysis

In the 2023 context, it is crucial to assess the profitability of rentals in Belgium. With rising property prices, initial investment costs may be high, but rental prices have also shown an upward trend. This suggests that, despite higher entry costs, letting can still be a profitable venture, especially in high-demand locations.

Is it a good time to invest in real estate?

Timing and market dynamics

Deciding on the perfect timing to invest in real estate can be challenging. 2023 brings both opportunities and risks. Potential investors need to consider the current economic climate, interest rates, and market outlook. However, with the right strategy and location choice, investing in real estate can still be a valuable addition to an investment portfolio.

Immotokens: Your partner in real estate investments

Innovation and expertise

In this changing market, Immotokens is ready to serve as your specialist partner in real estate investment. With a deep understanding of the Belgian real estate market and an innovative approach using the latest technologies, including blockchain, Immotokens offers investors unique opportunities. Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting out, Immotokens can help you navigate the landscape of real estate investment in Belgium.


Investing in real estate in Belgium in 2023 can still make sense, provided the right strategies and insights are applied. Despite economic uncertainties and fluctuating interest rates, the Belgian real estate market offers opportunities for both short-term and long-term investments. With a thoughtful approach and the support of experts such as Immotokens, investors can navigate the complexity of the market and make valuable investments that will stand the test of time.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.